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Admissions Data for 2024
Judy has been slaving over a hot calculator and has produced figures for our hedgehog admissions in 2024. The pie chart gives a good picture of the most common ailments and injuries we see. Internal parasites are the highest, with hoglets under 209g the next highest. 1,182 hedgehogs were admitted in 2024, a few more…

TV and Radio Appearances!
There has been a positive media frenzy at Prickles in a Pickle this week! On Monday 7th August we were on BBC Spotlight Southwest in a feature they filmed about our collaboration with The Secret Garden at Powderham Castle. Powderham provide a safe release site in their wonderful two acre walled garden for our recovered…

We’re on The One Show Monday 6th March!
Look out for us on The One Show on Monday 6th March! We had an awesome day on Saturday when The One Show came to shoot an item about hedgehogs emerging from hibernation early. The lovely Gillian Burke (of Springwatch fame) and her crew spent the day with us. The amount of work that goes…

Thank You!
Thank you very much to our wonderful supporters who have given so generously, either by one off or monthly donations or who have attended our fundraising events, taken part in our monthly scratchcard, donated items to our collection bins at local supermarkets or purchased items from our online shop. You are all amazing! Thank you…

Gardentime Coffee Morning
Please join us on December 5th 2024 at Gardentime Garden Centre for delicious coffee, tea and cake. All proceeds will go to our charity. Our friendly volunteers will be on hand for a chat. Many thanks to Gardentime who are always so supportive of us. We look forward to seeing you there!